Here, Napoleon's political ideals; role within the Directory, the Consulate, and the Empire; domestic reforms; military strategy in Europe; downfall of military executions, and personal life events will be discussed


Birth (1769)

Born in Corsica 1769, right after the French colonization of a once proudly independent nation that had resisted larger countries influence for centuries.


Corsican Roots.

Napoleon was raised with a scathing hatred of anything french, as a result of his Corsican upbringing. Napoleon’s father, to his disgust, rather than fighting to rebel instead decided to submit and work for France.Napoleon viewed this as weak and spineless, led to him favoring his mother, whom he idolized.


Napoleon the Scholar.

Napoleon goes to study in France, at it's peak. Additionally, Napoleon, as a result of his father’s role in French diplomacy got a scholarship to the Royal Military School in 1778. He was nine years old at the time. By the time that he turned 15, he was promoted the Royal Military Academy. Napoleon was not very popular at school because of this ambition and egotistical personality. He was also looked down upon, and was antisocial because of his Corsican identity.


Rise to power.

Napoleon starts out as a Second Lieutenant in the French Cavalry. Here, he comes to power, and welcomes it. He is not necessairly a revolutionary. He agrees with Robspierre's desire for order, but despises his use of Terror to obtain it. Napoleon jumps into the revolution by returning to Corsica to acquire power in government. Napoleon and his family are banished from moving back after Napoleon trying to retake power from the established government that was against France. Next, Napoleon, turns to France in turmoil, returns to his position in France and achieves success in the military and wins many battles with simple, virtuosic plans. Napoleon, being self-educated man, is liked by the French populace.


The Napoleonic Wars. (Timeline)

  • Napoleon deployed to Austria.
  • Victorious in many battles.
  • Becomes comrades with his men.
  • Fights alongside them on the battlefield, making him powerful on the field.
  • Napoleon deployed to Northern Italy.
  • Again victorious many times.
  • Begins to become frustrated with his lack of progress.
  • Napoleon goes to Egypt, loses his ships and traps his men to British.
  • This failure just one of many that leads to Directory being hated.
  • Napoleon returns and begins a coup
  • ** Overall, Napoleon served the Directory’s goals as a military general on the battlefield. He was mostly successful but his losses were contributory to dissent towards Directory that he served. Later on, Napoleon dissolved the Directory through a coup alongside Abbe Sieyes and took power over France. France returned to a monarchy through the consulate. (1799) **


The Consulate.

Now that Napoleon is in power, he makes a few changes.

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